unexpected adventures

Running Wild

March 31, 2017 Uncategorized

Our adventure starts as so many do: playing gear Tetris with an already-full car, followed by a brief stop to pick up breakfast tacos. Then, we are off, leaving Austin behind for the dusty scrub desert of southwestern Texas. We make several stops at forlorn gas stations in the middle of nowhere, and finally around 7pm we make it into the park and are reignited by the stark change of scenery—a rugged, chossy mountain range rising into the dusk likeRead More

An unlikely sailor

September 10, 2013 Uncategorized

The end of an era has come and gone. It was bittersweet, frustrating, there were some tears and arguments, and I skinned two of my knuckles while trying to carry unwieldy, heavy boxes through a doorframe. We all moved to new places, and said goodbye to that magical, unbelievable two-year stint we had together in the house by the water. It was a lot to say goodbye to. I still find it hard to believe that much of it happenedRead More

Good decisions, letting go

February 6, 2013 Uncategorized

A small unidentified creature slammed itself into the middle of my windshield on Friday night, surely (hopefully) dying on impact as we traveled through Chelan in coal-black darkness, headed toward the Methow Valley. It happened so entirely without warning that my only reaction was to gasp sharply through clenched teeth and grip the steering wheel tighter to keep us in a straight line at 60 mph, unable to visually process what I’d seen until a second or two later. WeRead More