
Spiderweb courage and cactus roots

October 23, 2016 Uncategorized

Here is a mouth marble too large for me to choke on any longer, written to the tune of swiftwater spillways in a rainstorm of spiderweb courage: The summer we raced frozen boots up glacier scars, the night slept a precarious three inches between the tiptoe of my neck and the whisper of your mouth as we tried to dream our way out of a fireworks sideshow, and A week later I lay on the floor spinning Evans’ sermon toRead More

Narwhals, II.

June 16, 2016 Uncategorized

You keep talking about a place I’m supposed to get excited for, to save my pennies for, should be looking forward to all the comfort there, with its exquisite debts and hard-earned luxuries like couches, which I suppose are nice but Have you ever read the lichen on a sheet of granite with your fingertips, searched its syntax for a history, an origin to the tangle of electricity-addled neurons that got you here —dancing, terrified, upon a batholithic monument toRead More


December 4, 2012 Uncategorized

December, Diciembre turned the page with a storm battering windows in the night. But in it I saw the Moonlight framed in cedar monoliths, Laughter rising above our heads like the steam circling upward into the cedar boughs; words of love hope fear worry reflection connection, building and weaving a web stronger than our words and arms, the silent lake standing witness to our communion and our melancholies, Blues poems written into the pages we hold folded at our chestsRead More